Work Anywhere - Use as a standing desk, full size sitting desk, on the couch, in bed or wherever you want to use....
Work Anywhere - Use as a standing desk, full size sitting desk, on the couch, in bed or wherever you want to use your laptop comfortably!
Strong Build - Made from Aluminum-Magnesium-Alloy this desk was built to last.
Included Mouse Panel - Included side mouse panel attachment can also double as a drink holder.
Adjustable Legs - The chill desk legs can be adjusted into many different configurations and whatever height you desire.
Can be used as breakfast tray, desk, bookshelf, writing desk, tablet stand, stand-up desk, game table, laptop stand, keyboard elevator, laptop tray, keyboard stand, foldable laptop table, cooling pad, folding tray table, desktop lifter or anywhere you want to use it!
Do you use your laptop when laying in bed or relaxing on the couch? Your laptop emits uncomfortable heat on your lap and does not properly vent because there's nowhere for the airflow to go. The all in one solution for computing when on the couch or in bed.
Engineered with venting holes on the surface and can be fully adjustable to meet your desired height, this is the future of home desks.
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